Terms & Conditions
It is worth remembering that in Scotland a verbal comitment can often act as a contract.
Hostga rates - ( Highlands of Scotland Tour Guide Association )
All fees and conditions should be agreed with Fiona Coats in advance.
■Payments can be made either by the internet through BACS, cheque or with cash.
■Entrance fees, food and transport are not included in the price for guests.
■I reserve the right to cancel a tour at any time. In the unlikely event of this happening, I will refund all money paid by guests in full and find an alternative Guide.
■I do not provide travel insurance and we strongly recommend that you provide your own cover for medical expenses, personal accidents, loss of money, baggage etc before you travel with Fiona Coats
■Fiona Coats is not liable for any loss, personal damage, consequential loss, inconvenience or delay arising out of breakdown, accident or from any other circumstances beyond her control.
■Personal insurance is not included and you should arrange your own before you travel.
If a tour is cancelled with less than 3 days notice, then a 50% of the agreeed fee is payable.
- The full fee is payable if less than 3 days cancellation is given.
■By being a customer and guest of Fiona Coats - it verifies that you agree with all of the above terms and conditions.